Monday, January 5, 2009

TAG Lagik??

Tag dari leen...Akhirnya ada masa nak jawab tag2 nih..

what is the most important thing in your life ?
Banyak...nak dinilai satu persatu takkan selesai..

what is the last thing you bought with your own money ?
Barang usual beli kat Hypermarket kat Mutiara Damansara utk kegunaan harian...hehe
where do you wish to get married?
Klu ikutkan umur 29 tapi memandangkan masa singkat..dan belum temu perfect person..mungkin tunda kot..huhuhu

how old do you think you will get permanently owned by your lover ?
The simple answer is no...blum ada steady lover camner nak permanently owned..tol tak?

are you in love ?

where was the last restaurant you had dinner at ?
Kat Super Bowl, Ikano...tak sedap..makan mee kari dia..rugi jer

name the latest book you bought ?
boleh kata takde beli buku...mag ada la...

what is your full name ?

do you prefer mother or father?
I should say both.. both of them are precious in my life..

name a person that you really wish to meet in your real life for the first time.
tatk sure idea at all

christina or britney?
dua2 ada bakat tersendiri...for me both

do you do your own laundry ?

the most exciting place you want to go ?
Mana2 jer tempat menarik...

hugs or kisses ?
both perhaps...hehe..dlu2 slalu la kissed by parents time kecik2...sekarang takde kot..hugs pun dah takde..

point out five things about the person who tagged you
I want to make it simple:
- funny
- adventerous
- gigih kot..hehehe

eight things i’m passionate about..
passionate ni apa? tak paham so leh skip..hehehe

eight books i have read recently
tak baca buku...huhuhu

eight songs i’ve been listening over and over again
1) David Archuletta-Crush
2) Afgan- Terima Kasih Cinta
3) Take That - How Deep Is Your Love
4) tak ingat la cukup la 3 jer

eight things i learned this year
baru masuk tahun baru..banyak lagi benda kena belajar

one thing is that, learn how to appreciate things around u..

Cukupla...payah la tag2 nih...Gud nite all..:D

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